Hackable, Flexible, Extendable!
Tenet proposes a new interface for Tensor Networks which is both easy to use and to extend.
Tenet.jl is a Tensor Network library written in Julia and designed to be performant, hackable and intuitive.
BSC-Quantic's Registry
and some of its dependencies are located in our own Julia registry. In order to download Tenet
, add our registry to your Julia installation by using the Pkg mode in a REPL session,
using Pkg
pkg"registry add https://github.com/bsc-quantic/Registry"
Optimized Tensor Network contraction, powered by EinExprs
Tensor Network slicing/cuttings
Automatic Differentiation of TN contraction, powered by EinExprs
and ChainRules
3D visualization of large networks, powered by Makie