The Tensor type

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for Tensor. Check Documenter's build log for details.

You can create a Tensor by passing an array and a list of Symbols that name indices.

julia> T = Tensor(rand(3,5,2), (:i,:j,:k))3×5×2 Tensor{Float64, 3, Array{Float64, 3}}: [:, :, 1] = 0.0616966 0.577806 0.403239 0.761988 0.726187 0.813486 0.750991 0.43216 0.880598 0.772245 0.0720981 0.905786 0.572664 0.416797 0.927191 [:, :, 2] = 0.749914 0.783945 0.372005 0.550106 0.785076 0.984747 0.68506 0.0278892 0.881148 0.322137 0.152704 0.60585 0.0491073 0.965272 0.1507

The dimensionality or size of each index can be consulted using the size function.

Base.size(::Tensor[, i])

Return the size of the underlying array or the dimension i (specified by Symbol or Integer).

julia> size(T)(3, 5, 2)
julia> size(T, :j)5
julia> length(T)30


Tensors may contain some metadata.

🚧 Work in progress 🚧

Currently there are only methods for accessing and modifying Tags.
