Tenet.MPO Type
MPO <: AbstractAnsatz
A Matrix Product Operator (MPO) Ansatz
Tensor Network.
Tenet.MPO Method
MPO(arrays::Vector{<:AbstractArray}; order=defaultorder(MPO))
Create a NonCanonical
from a vector of arrays.
Keyword Arguments
The order of the indices in the arrays. Defaults to(:o, :i, :l, :r)
Tenet.MPS Method
MPS(arrays::Vector{<:AbstractArray}; order=defaultorder(MPS))
Create a NonCanonical
from a vector of arrays.
Keyword Arguments
The order of the indices in the arrays. Defaults to(:o, :l, :r)
Tenet.MPS Method
MPS(::typeof(identity), n::Integer; physdim=2, maxdim=physdim^(n ÷ 2))
Returns an MPS
of n
sites whose tensors are initialized to COPY-tensors.
Keyword Arguments
The physical or output dimension of each site. Defaults to 2.maxdim
The maximum bond dimension. Defaults tophysdim^(n ÷ 2)
Base.rand Method
Base.rand(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, ::Type{MPO}; n, maxdim, eltype=Float64, physdim=2)
Create a random MPO
Tensor Network. In order to avoid norm explosion issues, the tensors are orthogonalized by QR factorization so its normalized and mixed canonized to the last site.
Keyword Arguments
The number of sites.maxdim
The maximum bond dimension. If it isnothing
, the maximum bond dimension increases exponentially with the number of sites up to(physdim^2)^(n ÷ 2)
The element type of the tensors. Defaults toFloat64
The physical or output dimension of each site. Defaults to 2.
Base.rand Method
Base.rand(rng::Random.AbstractRNG, ::Type{MPS}; n, maxdim, eltype=Float64, physdim=2)
Create a random MPS
Tensor Network in the MixedCanonical form where all tensors are right-canonical (ortogonality center at the first site). In order to avoid norm explosion issues, the tensors are orthogonalized by LQ factorization.
Keyword Arguments
The number of sites.maxdim
The maximum bond dimension. If it isnothing
, the maximum bond dimension increases exponentially with the number of sites up tophysdim^(n ÷ 2)
The element type of the tensors. Defaults toFloat64
The physical or output dimension of each site. Defaults to 2.
Tenet.absorb! Method
absorb!(tn::AbstractMPO; bond=(lane1, lane2), dir::Symbol = :left, delete_Λ = true)
For a given AbstractMPO
Tensor Network, contract the singular values Λ located in the bond between lanes lane1
and lane2
Keyword arguments
- `bond` The bond between the singular values tensor and the tensors to be contracted.
- `dir` The direction of the contraction. Defaults to `:left`.
- `delete_Λ` Whether to delete the singular values tensor after the contraction. Defaults to `true`.
Tenet.check_form Method
Check if the tensors in the mps are in the proper Form
Tenet.evolve! Method
evolve!(ψ::AbstractAnsatz, mpo::AbstractMPO; threshold=nothing, maxdim=nothing, normalize=true, reset_index=true)
Evolve the AbstractAnsatz
with the AbstractMPO
along the output indices of ψ
. If threshold
or maxdim
are not nothing
, the tensors are truncated after each sweep at the proper value, and the bond is normalized if normalize=true
. If reset_index=true
, the indices of the ψ
are reset to the original ones.
Tenet.truncate_sweep! Method
Do a right-to-left QR sweep on the AbstractMPO
and then left-to-right SVD sweep and truncate the tensors according to the threshold
or maxdim
values. The bond is normalized if normalize=true