
Contraction path optimization and execution is delegated to the EinExprs library. A EinExpr is a lower-level form of a Tensor Network, in which the contraction path has been laid out as a tree. It is similar to a symbolic expression (i.e. Expr) but in which every node represents an Einstein summation expression (aka einsum).

einexpr(tn::TensorNetwork; optimizer = EinExprs.Greedy, output = inds(tn, :open), kwargs...)

Search a contraction path for the given TensorNetwork and return it as a EinExpr.

Keyword Arguments

  • optimizer Contraction path optimizer. Check EinExprs documentation for more info.
  • outputs Indices that won't be contracted. Defaults to open indices.
  • kwargs Options to be passed to the optimizer.

See also: contract.

contract!(tn::TensorNetwork, index)

In-place contraction of tensors connected to index.

See also: contract.

Tenet.contract!(tn::Chain, ::Val{:between}, site1::Site, site2::Site; direction::Symbol = :left, delete_Λ = true)

For a given Chain tensor network, contracts the singular values Λ between two sites site1 and site2. The direction keyword argument specifies the direction of the contraction, and the delete_Λ keyword argument specifies whether to delete the singular values tensor after the contraction.
